December 23, 2011

HIV- infected Taiwanese hospi-Skechers Canary Boot

BEIJING, Aug. 28,shape ups, according to Taiwan’s HIV infection in a hospital who mistakenly organ transplant five patients had received organs immersed in the rebirth of the transplant patients and their families, all perplexing, skecher shape ups, starting from now on HIV drug therapy, including Taiwan and Japan into A total of more than a dozen major health care team involved in transplant surgery, in order to avoid the risk of infection, Skechers Canary Boots, also began to accept prophylaxis. chairman of the Taiwan Society of Transplant Medicine, National Cheng Kung University professor of surgery Libo Zhang emotion, It is understood that the donor was a 37-year-old man, 24, South Gate due to head trauma to send Hsinchu General Hospital, first aid, leaving only three as coma, family members and I do not know the man is out Hsinchu City Health Bureau control of HIV infection, contact the National Taiwan University Hospital organ donation group.

This rises to two patients to the heart, liver, lungs and two kidneys were donated to five patients, in which the heart to the National Cheng Kung University Hospital, a 50-old man from the transplant surgery. Other organs were carried out at National Taiwan University. National Taiwan University Hospital, said hospital staff just called and asked donors for HIV test results, but in the hair, if the mistake by the HIV antigen test samples from the until the completion of organ transplants, coordinating teacher to collect data on paper inspection reports, was surprised to find that something in the donor’s HIV test turned out to be National Cheng Kung University Hospital, asked the hospital for further tracking whether patients were infected.

National Taiwan University Hospital spokesman Ching-Ting Tan held a press conference last night, for that omission, the family members of patients and the public expression of regret, will review the reasons, the hospital will review the report to be completed, and then decide punish negligent officers. Overnight hospital executives also held a meeting to discuss how to respond after.

physician Chien-Ching Hung National Taiwan University Department of Infectious Diseases shows that the recipient is currently unable to confirm whether the infection, the need for molecular detection, 1 to 2 months after the answer, follow-up to six months may be required to follow in order to confirm the recipient is away from the risk of infection.

Chien-Ching Hung said that the recipient the possibility of infection is high; He explains that acceptance of HIV pregnant women late in pregnancy dosage, the risk of infection from 25 to 40%,Skechers Resistance Runner, less than 1%. Chien-Ching Hung description has selected two new drugs, including inhibitors and nucleotide reverse transcriptase inhibitors embedded, may be able to suppress the virus in a short time.

National Taiwan University, MD, United States also took place in 1994, donated the same event, there were 4 patients with infection; yesterday is not the world’s first National Taiwan University.

Posted by: dieseljeans at 07:25 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 491 words, total size 4 kb.

December 22, 2011

Female passengers smashed -ladies shape ups kineti

Thunderstorm weather as the day before yesterday afternoon, Air China flight from Beijing Fei Kunming in Kunming, the aircraft failed to arrive as planned. This led to the originally scheduled for yesterday 7:40 flight from Kunming to Beijing was canceled. It triggered a scene farce – Yesterday morning, when Air China staff are more than 150 passengers for Meal business, a female passenger angrily smashed a work computer for tickets to the two staff fierce splash of mineral water … … yesterday, 12:30, when the reporter arrived at Kunming airport on the second floor hall ticket, Skechers Resistance Runner, Air ticket counter has no trace of passengers waiting Meal, and replace the computer back to normal ticket order. According to the Air China counter staff on duty, Skechers Grand Jams Boots, yesterday canceled the flight number of the flight CA4171, originally scheduled for yesterday 7:40 flew to Beijing from Kunming, which sold a total of 150 flight remaining tickets. . The staff said that, in the process of altered tickets, some of the passengers, and somewhat excited, but also one of the women passengers rushed forward to a computer down to the ground, and the hands of the spa Water splashed staff. procedures at the scene described the situation of passengers Daw and this is almost the same. Later after another came a lot of altered tickets of the passengers, but in the meantime, the counter of Air China has no one. When a woman suddenly rushed forward to the staff of the computer down to the ground, and force broke the keyboard, then splashed mineral water into the hands of the staff. In this process, also received the identity card before all get scattered to the ground.

Doo introduced, although the order was very confusing, sketchers shape-ups, but the attitude of the staff has been very sincere, and ultimately the passengers group, and altered tickets yesterday 9:50, 10:20, 13:00 and 16 7:45 flight to Beijing several times. Meanwhile, Air China has also sent a car to the waiting passengers arranged to Fubao fishing hotel to rest, and provided lunch. Subsequently, the reporter tried to contact the sales department of Air China Kunming relevant personnel to understand the situation, ladies shape ups kinetix, the staff has not talked to the grounds declined.

Posted by: dieseljeans at 07:39 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 389 words, total size 3 kb.

December 21, 2011

Granddaughter and grandfather h-scetchers shape up

27 at 7 o’clock, Zhenjiang New Area Ruicheng placement of a garden room for a building project Lot 8 accidents occurred: a length of about 1 meter long pipe from the top 13 floors above suddenly fall, and steel, elevator several times after impact, which cut the pipe roll of the downstairs unfortunately hit a pair of happy hand of grandfather and granddaughter. Also less than two years old granddaughter was rushed to hospital, died after tragic death of 54-year-old grandfather is a result of severe brain trauma hospital. mother hit her daughter witnessed the pipe after the accident, reporters rushed to the garden of Zhenjiang New Area Ruicheng a replacement housing site. In a project manager under the leadership of the reporter came to the scene of the accident, Building 8, below. It is reported that a total of 17 floors of this building, site of the accident in the westernmost corner of this building, the side with two construction elevators, Skechers Grand Jams Boots, on the 2nd floor there is a simple to build with steel stairs. It introduced the woman to open west of the elevator, when the little girl and her grandfather from the 2nd floor down the stairs along the easy play, the little girl’s mother on the 2nd floor waving a smile to his daughter, at this time , a steel pipe fell from the sky, hit the little girl lying on the ground, grandfather turned to the side.

open to the east of the elevator safety supervision department of women comrades, when she sat on the elevator to the 13th floor when suddenly above the elevator, and then continue down the fall. In other words, this cut-off pipe is falling from the 13th floor above.

According to the project manager, the little girl is only 1 year old and 8 months old, first came to the site two days, the mother and a father and grandfather to visit the site. The little girl’s grandfather named Bian, 54, on site dry carpentry. At the scene, the reporter found that three of about 1 m long steel pipe in the ground, which has two steel to remove from the puddles,scetchers shape ups, and I do not know what the root pipe is the culprit.

reporter at the scene, they found the family on a temporary residence in the 2nd floor of this building, access must be from downstairs through.

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at the scene, the reporter found a doubt, this is the safety supervision department and the police doubt, is the grandfather granddaughter are smashed on the ground , 2nd floor why that blood. Precisely because of this doubt, some people began to wonder if grandpa granddaughter is upstairs or down, rather than being hit by the steel pipe.

why two bloodstains on the floor of the steel frame? Police at the scene and the safety supervision departments are very confused. Hospital after being asked by the phone a little girl’s mother learned that one incident, she panicked, rushed downstairs from 2 to, actually pick up the daughter of the head and bleeding climb 2, because the little girl’s father in 2,Skechers Canary Boots, thus causing the 2nd floor with blood.

steel come from became a problem. Thin view, steel frame intact, wrapped in the safety net out there, the current safety supervision department and the police are still looking for clues steel.

correspondent then went to Zhenjiang First People’s Hospital, confirmed that the little girl had died, his grandfather also due to severe brain injury in critical condition notice was issued, is hospital.

yesterday morning, Zhenjiang City Construction Safety Supervision Station on the matter to the construction side, construction, such as rectification in place, to obtain approval to resume construction. At present,shape up shoes online uk, the specific reasons for the accident, authorities still under investigation. Our reporter Zhang Ling hair

Posted by: dieseljeans at 08:00 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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December 20, 2011

Students do not spend a penny ri-shape ups skecher

Zhang Yuan Hang in Turpan. many, is a valuable life experience, more importantly, met a lot of good people along the way, we moved too much to too many two young men had a special experience. In 2009, Gu Yue Chinese-American guy, documentary filmmaker Liu Chang two after three months, from Beijing to Berlin after the Sea Eagle Brian Dempsey door, only to rely on strangers to help along the way, they ride a total of 88 times, after 13 countries, successfully achieved his dream. This summer, Deyang, one of three college students, but also embarked on a ; encountered thieves, endured hunger … …

Three people from the beginning, in the end only 2 people. The special Changchun – Harbin, Hulunbeier final destination, and they did not spend a penny is paid. July this year, Zhang Yuan Hang and another two classmates graduated from a college in Deyang, many students taking advantage of the summer after graduation trip. But they decided not to spend a cent tolls, strangers stopped by a vehicle ride along the way, to complete half of China’s travel. went to high altitude plateau of western Sichuan, Sichuan is full of backpackers. Gilroy, and two other students who Zhang Tao is full of donkey. 20-year-old who grew up in Gilroy, a small plateau in Aba, skecher shape ups, he likes to free travel and photography, on the road to enjoy the process. After graduation, they are three, more growth.

7 15, with a simple change of clothes, emergency medicine, and outdoor camping tents, sleeping bags and moisture-proof pad, there are several hundred dollars emergency money, they are from Chengdu Tianfu Square and began riding go travel in China. The afternoon, they went into the cotton high-speed entrance. 3 boys innocently stand by the roadside, waving hailed the beginning. Hang Zhang said, according to a senior passenger ride experience, a girl riding the success of the highest probability, the two girls is relatively easy to take, but for a boy ride, especially the three boys to take to the free car, almost . But let them surprise is that some people actually just stop waving. 13:19, 3 smoothly at high speed on the entrance into the cotton to catch the first car. They are equipped with a kind brother driving a black car, I heard their intentions, they very kindly invited on the train, they take along all the way to Mianyang. With joy, three people were hailed, all the way to transfer trucks,shape ups skechers, trucks, vans, 7:30 the next morning, arrived in Xi’an successfully complete the first paragraph of the trip. At this point, the micro-Bo Zhang Yuan Hang said: getting dark, shape ups by skechers, they are still standing in car charging stations, ready to ride to Lanzhou. A second wave, a car rolled past the dust to open, not willing to stop a car. 21:00, the day is completely dark, and finally a car stopped, three people Haoshuodaishuo, the other only reluctantly agreed to take them a go. So, three after discussion, was Gilroy, get the car go first. Zhang Yuan Hang Zhang Tao is still standing and waiting, do not want to stop passing vehicles, the day has been completely black, and their dinner not been available, but even worse is the fear of nocturnal encounter bad car, more reluctant to stop. Soon, the sky suddenly blowing dust, dust rolling the hit face, eyes open. Is the edge of despair when a truck slowly around them to stop, the driver to see them poor, not like the bad guys, they shouted their car faster. After they completed 4,500 kilometers of road, half of the planned journey. Bo wrote this passage. Gold Mountain, the other two have to catch the car first went to Da Qaidam, leaving him just sit in the big street. Huge travel backpack with only a small population of mineral water, feeling hungry, he wanted handlebar him away. With a scarf over his head and face, Zhang Yuan Hang found almost no cars go through here, looking at the front end does not seem desolate road, never had he felt despair. Northwest honest uncle stopped the car, he set off a pass. 7 25, three people arrived in Urumqi, the Tao to leave the team, he wants to advance to Beijing to do other things. Next, Zhang Yuan Hang and has Gilroy, went all the way from the northeast, Inner Mongolia, finish the rest of the whole. The day before yesterday, when they get back from Beijing to Chengdu train, the memorable

Travel told myself, skechers shoes, life is sometimes everything is so smooth, sometimes endless hardships, at the time think about the past bitter sweet, sweet time to forget at once bitter, good to treat yourself and her friends. (Figure provided by the respondents)

Posted by: dieseljeans at 07:22 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 815 words, total size 5 kb.

December 19, 2011

2006 November-Skechers Resistance Runner

2006 November, because the loans are due the first 3 pen, Mr. Gao urged Wang Xiaoli repayment, scetchers shape ups, Wang agreed, November 18 pay off the loan and interest together. 16 evening, high call Wang Xiaoli, found her phone off. November 17 morning, the high property companies went looking for her, colleagues said she left the office before 16 noon did not come back. November 18 at the high Wang received a short message: will pay off. At this point we discovered that, Wang’s husband and son have disappeared, her house is already easy to master. Community convenience store owner said, on the morning of the 16th, said Wang Xiaoli also have to borrow money urgently to him, but fortunately he did not lend Wang. We immediately reported to the public security organs, Wang was placed on file pursuit.

At this time Wang Xiaoli, with her husband, son fled to Kunming, Skechers Grand Jams Boots, Yunnan, fear of living life. Soon, they brought the money spent. To cope, Wang Xiaoli also find a restaurant job washing dishes, 800 yuan per month. After the family fled to Jiaxing Wang lives, until October 19, 2010 he was arrested. verified by the Songjiang District Prosecutor’s Office from 2005 to November 2006 period, Wang Xiaoli to repay gambling debts and high interest payments the borrower, the borrower has to more than a dozen victims, a total of 400 million. Wang said that increasing the amount of the borrower’s circumstances, although aware of has been unable to pay, but she can only continue to make up reasons to borrow money, shattering. She did so her husband and son had played a displacement of the day, leaving a number of victims suffer losses skechers shape uK, which she very remorse WASHINGTON (correspondent reporter Guo Jianfeng Chen Li) as a property manager, very moving. Recently, however, the tenants have come to understand, in the hands behind, actually hides a sinister purpose. 4 years, the Zhanjing Li will be charged by the property management fees, waste management fees, maintenance fees or lift themselves, or for other purposes. Recently, a Jiading District Court to embezzlement Zhan, misappropriation of funds by graft and sentenced to 4 years and 6 months.

Chan, who lives in Jing’an District, a 44-year-old, in May 2006, he was appointed as property companies in Jiading, a district manager at the property. As a manager in the period, James every few days to find people earnestly beg of property charges, most of the residents to cooperate. In this way, without the knowledge of the property company Zhan, privately to people in residential property management fees charged, Bo Weifei, waste management fees totaling more than 70,000 yuan, accounting for himself.

In addition, in March 2009 to early August, James also used the property management department manager is responsible for payment of related expenses of his office, paid the property elevator installation companies, green company’s elevator maintenance fees, green maintenance costs check of 11 million yuan cash for personal use and after repayment of personal debt. Property companies were discovered, Skechers Resistance Runner, in January last year, James returned to the property’s 7 million yuan. In February this year, Chan has been online pursuit arrest in Chengdu, Sichuan. Hearing, on behalf of the families of James out of 20,000 yuan.

Posted by: dieseljeans at 07:11 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 556 words, total size 4 kb.

December 17, 2011

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small quiet 25-year-year-old, to do financial work in a company, buy a course through, she knows this Women’s Museum. area is the real face, right half of the area is the social face, so that people can be seen more clearly.

Ms. Wang is a company of white-collar workers, skechers shape-ups sleek fit ladies shoe, has been married for five years, The course attracted her, she would like to enhance their own here is not a training camp, everyone is like carved out from the same mold, the teacher taught us is to enlarge our own characteristics, as each man’s requirements are not the same, this is not for a small part of people’s needs and carved female. well, but most people still think that finding a suitable person is like.

Of course, does have a lot of people Women’s Pavilion and ran behind a network of wealthy class relationship, and such a person about 50%. Shao Tong previously dating site dedicated VIP customer, know a lot of successful people, now married after graduating from the Science Museum this well-thirties, skechers rocky point flip flops australia, almost all participants to introduce Tong Shao success, by so many girls want to way to catch a school here, The trick, naturally can not escape the eyes of teachers, but teachers never hit them, because usually fight also invalid, but just kept telling themselves away from the married in the gap where the target, and soon, it was abandoned, it was ideas began to change, just want to find their own.

A few very good tune, and the total number of such students account for about 20% of all students, most of them favorable conditions, itself has many suitors, Shao Tong will they be summed up as a class, skechers shape ups, which has a typical girl in particular. goal is multi-millionaire, I naturally do not agree, I had successfully introduced to the girl who ate a meal the man said to me, I will not contact with her, so that hurt the hearts of girls in particular, might as well not seen this side of the . I refused, because she’s a lot of details that betray her flippancy, for example, and men speak constantly tease the hair, skechers shape ups uk, there is a flirtatious feel. Then she disappeared. months later, she is back, this time seems more practical. annual salary Wuliushiwan boyfriend, she said she now felt about the same on their own to find with good, two of them may be getting married.

Posted by: dieseljeans at 06:33 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 431 words, total size 3 kb.

December 15, 2011

Rescue company truck -Skechers Shape Ups-Jump Star

car accident on the highway, is the first alarm, but please help rescue the company is also indispensable. Of course, to help rescue the company is not white, cranes, trailers, should be charged. a just hang one thousand (Hangxinjing) high-speed vehicle rollover occurred yesterday, the owners complained to the newspaper’s hotline 96068. He said the car turned, and had my heart on the sick, to make him more uncomfortable, the rescue company to charge him a $ 30,000 service fee. And his vehicle, but the value of the goods than 10,000 yuan. 3 million price for the price department also surprised. They said that so far have not received such a high speed rescue fee complaints. this price ticket in the end is how did it fair? There are no qualification requirements of high-speed rescue, rescue the company by whom should the quality of service monitoring? truck rollover early morning, the rescue company out of 3 million Shandong. At 2:00 on August 16, installed more than 30 tons of bamboo has been in the car to speed Jiande Hangxinjing territory. Loose rope tied because of the car, the car out of balance, master hire drivers in improper operation, resulting in turn to a truck broke through barriers below the roadbed, bamboo scattered over the ground. Fortunately, the car who did not suffer too much damage.

After the accident, high-speed traffic police immediately rushed to the scene, set up warning signs on the highway for traffic control. The rescue company is also nearly 4 o’clock am, reached the scene of the accident, the bamboo, the accident vehicles towed to the parking lot at high speed, bamboo shipped around 6 cars. Yesterday, when he went to rescue the company to pay when the price was frightened out of each other: the 50-ton crane out fee of 15,000 yuan, 18,600 yuan charge transfer goods, this rescue, they want total price as high as 33,600 yuan.

Correspondent found the Provincial Price Bureau in 2009 published a paper – According to the standard, the accident to the vehicle is divided into five categories for a different charge. 15 tons or more vehicles belonging to five vehicles, the fee is the case, the trailer 600 / trips, cable car to 1,700 yuan / vehicle / time, lighterage 300 yuan / vehicle / time, sketchers shape-ups, and the other by tonnage or mileage charges. However, the distance towing vehicle towed from the delay to the nearest highway exit point of the distance from the highway exit for expenses both parties.

Sports Network (correspondent Cheng Zhenghua) August 13 morning, the Sports Network friends broke the news, said at 13:30 on August 12th or so, Jianli County, Hubei, People’s Court Vice-President of the Court Ran Zhiyong Wang bridge driving a grades of E DA060 (police) cars, a pair of electric car ride home, knocked down an elderly couple, Ran Zhiyong not the first time not only to rescue the injured, but also to the victim asked, Skechers Shape Ups-Fitness Junkie, get off to hit anyone. 12 evening, Jianli County People’s Court officials say the incident has asked Vice-President, Vice-President said that his car was parked not moving, is the electric car hit come, first hit the elderly women He Zhang Sarah’s son Li Jianxiong do not accept this argument, he said: My mother had 67 years of age, skechers sale, have been able to beat him? , has nothing to do with the driver. was playing left cheek swelling, brain hurts a little temple. Jianli County People’s Hospital show that there are many injured investigation, Vice-President of the Court accident alcohol test takes three days after the results. Jianli County People’s Court Wang bridge court official said, as Vice-President is a drunk driving accident, the law will do.

Posted by: dieseljeans at 06:50 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 636 words, total size 5 kb.

December 14, 2011

Parents spend thousands o-Skechers Grand Jams Boot

Began to make a long moment of parental education. A group of early childhood institutions came into being, a group of young parents embrace a few months old baby early into early childhood institutions, fearing that their children lose at the starting line. However, the reporter found that the rise of the early education industry is the lack of the necessary supervision, good and bad. Education experts say, parents who are the children the best teacher, sketchers uk sale, the children themselves should be early education, not necessarily to the training institutions.

Public Wei is a university instructor, NT $ 2 million. Not long ago, I heard a lot of friends around the children reported a specialized early education classes, although her early education class has been Stone’s son visited the city one has a early education institutions, through the audition again and again, carefully selected, and finally selected a city, a stone said to be the world of early childhood institutions brand chain to 10,047.5 yuan / 100 class (Note: A class 55 minutes) the price to his son signed up. Instructor will advise parents to the children reported that early education classes that help children develop better. Later, she found that many parents of young children reported that early childhood obsession with class, but also often heard around the friend said, so expensive, even more expensive than college tuition? children to early childhood development classes do better?

It is understood Stone City early education institutions have three modes: start-up maternal and child hospital parenting classes, Skechers Grand Jams Boots, kindergarten students to snatch up early education classes, professional early childhood institutions. Reporters found that the most popular or professional parents, early childhood institutions, early childhood institutions and many more joining this form of operation, for a number of international and domestic well-known chain brands, of course, but also the localization of the brand. But without exception, is expensive.

8 18, the reporter visited the capital of seven random and professional early childhood institutions, early childhood institutions will find that these parents choose range to 120 hours, each lesson is 45 minutes to 1 hour, fees are in thousand dollars to several thousand dollars.

to Stone City, a national chain of early childhood institutions, for example, a baby 6 months to 2 years of age received training about early education, a set of 96 hours of course the price is 9000 yuan. Average must register, a 45-minute course fee is about $ 100. The Stone City, some of the early education institutions abroad, the price chain is more expensive, a set of 96 hours of early childhood curriculum fee is 10000-12000 yuan range, on average, each class of about 100 to $ 120. In addition, the class fee charged at the same time, these early childhood institutions will charge 100-360 yuan registration fee ranging from membership, as well as physical fitness test fees and materials fees.

Correspondent visited also found that most of these early childhood institutions only specialized business license issued by the business sector, business scope only this regard, skechers shape-ups sleek fit ladies shoe, an early childhood institutions world-brand chain managers frustration that her initial operation of this early childhood institutions, they encountered this was told Since then she looked around, only in the business sector, organized a business scope as there. She also said that the current market is gradually Shijiazhuang early childhood period of development, more and more people began to accept and recognize it. However, due to lack of industry regulation and related laws and regulations, resulting in very low barriers to entry in this industry, some for profit, rent a few offices, recruited a few preschool teacher, began to claim a big way to do early childhood, so the development of the industry and children’s early education, is extremely unfavorable. 8 19, the reporter interviewed 5 a young, their parents have or are considering early childhood classes to the children reported. For the purpose of report classes, parents, without exception, that Some parents even put it bluntly, they are early childhood institutions were attracted to the brochure, it says to effect, most parents said that publicity was not so god. Gong Rong said, in fact, the baby from birth, they begin to accept the parents’ unconscious early childhood, parents, stroking the baby, hum or play games with your baby, are to train children in the unconscious body , exercise, emotional, cognitive and other capacities. In her view, the early childhood professional organizations is an educational service that the potential in the development of the baby at the same time, ladies shape ups kinetix, more is to teach parents how to better train the baby. If the parents have some parenting experience, it need not blindly follow the trend, reported early education classes to the children, because they can educate their children at home, parents are the child’s best teacher.

Posted by: dieseljeans at 06:45 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 824 words, total size 6 kb.

December 12, 2011

Four men forged one million f-Skechers Canary Boot

Express News ) Reporters YANG Ying-jie Duan Yun Ye Bihong correspondent Lee loves the new report ) Limou Yang , a million there , Pengmou Ping , Wang Mouhua other four men , illegal manufacture of blank air transport e-ticket 1053000 . Even at a minimum of 200 per month, the amount is over $ 200 million . New Express reporter was informed yesterday , Dongguan City, according to the second city People’s Procuratorate has the suspect Li Mouyang other four to make the crime of illegal manufacture of invoices approved the arrest decision. February of this year , Li Mouyang (Hunan bimodal people) have found a million (Jiangxi Kanayama people) to make some empty air transport e-ticket ( hereinafter referred to as air travel alone ) with the electronic version in print . There are a million to provide a model produced by Li Mouyang single electronic air travel , and after the commissions charged 300 yuan to Li Mouyang the electronic version . beginning in March of this year , Li Mouyang together Pengmou Ping (Hunan peaks were ) illegal manufacture and sale of blank airline itinerary . In June 2002 ,shape ups skechers, Li Mouyang find Wangmou Hua ( Yongzhou people) for printing blank airline itinerary , and on July 4 will make air travel a good one for the printing of blank film , air travel and deposit a single model 60,000 yuan to Wang Mouhua . Wang Mouhua then print the required preparation of raw materials . July 9 , Wang Mouhua in its printing business printing blank air travel within a single , respectively on the same day at 12 noon and 1:00 pm the next day will be printed single- trip air transportation blank Tai Ha Long Town, Skechers Resistance Runner, Village to Limou Yang and Peng Mouping .

Water Branch said that after investigation, Skechers Shape Ups-Jump Start, 17 pm , Water Branch police received an emergency how small the task , the next morning take to the field investigations . What a small night shift that night , to facilitate the 18th starting from the unit on time , approved by the unit leadership , unit of a public service vehicle he was driving home with the luggage out of poor , by the way just to buy some scratch on the unit with household goods, car to take home. He found a small public parking Area in Haizhu District, the way forward after the South Park Second Street , that is Gongjusiyong, where a small cross-examination . He described the situation by the small ,Skechers Canary Boots, Area still forced to block the vehicle to leave, asked to inspect the boot of car , and call 110 telephone complaints . Alarm unit 110 and the supervision of department heads police arrived at the scene after disposition Area still insisted on open car boot of the inspection requirements .

Posted by: dieseljeans at 06:30 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 496 words, total size 3 kb.

December 09, 2011

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KTV manager looked Tanabata night out with friends for fun, they drove to the 1912 near the They really have Then send text messages, said his wife looked drunk, so look around the home with her, his wife actually did not care about the car after car girl. Sent home to his wife looked after the car park to the west a girl raped and robbed each other and to work together. Recently, looked on suspicion of robbery, rape, Jianye prosecution arrest, and his friends have been arrested suspected of robbery.

looked people in Guizhou, Although he was only 24 years old, is the manager of a KTV in Nanjing, the wife is also an entertainment work. One day in late July this year, looked to find a friend A new play, looking for girls to go out happy talk about, look around to know the other side said, August 6 is the Tanabata festival, looked to the emerging information A: Today is Valentine’s Day, to the 1912 drinking sister, no less. A Xinming white to him, the girl who is quite wealthy, and drank too easy to start with a drunk.

looked connect A new car came around 1912,skechers sale, shortly after midnight the next day, they found the target in a bar the door, I saw a girl walking and calling, talking about the taxi is not good to play that kind of thing , two from the back to see this girl looks good, so I drove approached said to send her a ride. Xiaochun girls drink a lot of wine that night, looked back to her home two handsome, they got sleepwalk. Looked that conspiracy will succeed, happy new dialogue with dialect and Arab, to discuss the next step. Coincidentally, his wife looked happens to work,skechers shape ups, sent a message to look around, said he also drank a lot that night, so look around drove her home.

looked was very tangled, my wife did not dare not pick, will succeed the girl can not bear to put down. After much deliberation, or to gamble, let the girl on the car, if my wife asked what A said is a new friend. Connected to his wife looked after his wife drunk dizzy because, actually do not care what the girl in the car, sleeping in the car for a while on the home, she threw off home to sleep, look around you lie said to refuel,skechers rocky point flip flops australia, incidentally, to get A new home, his wife did not even care about the.

time is 1:00, looked Koharu who asked whether any money, to test whether her money,Skechers Resistance Runner, Xiaochun stumbled out $ 70, plus looked good oil to send their own home. See also test looked confused with each other, the car park to the west a remote place. Car parked in the edge of the woods, looked forced to pull off early spring, late autumn Xianshibumiao not get off, suffered a few ears. Looked threatening, she said: do not put you down and thrown into the river. The face looked a threat, late autumn dared not resist out of the car, suffered a look around the rape. A new side are pitching in, took the opportunity to bag pulls out from the late autumn of 600 yuan in cash, mobile phones, bank cards and other belongings. Looked succeeds, both of them forced out late autumn bank card password, lost her car and sped away in the woods. At this time the wine also woke up late autumn, she cried and ran out of small trees, with great difficulty that some passers-by asked for help to the police. Day, look around, and A new police arrest.

Posted by: dieseljeans at 07:04 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 632 words, total size 4 kb.

December 07, 2011

Write a blog to record tho-ladies shape ups kineti

a good family and working with young people, because heroin yourself to embark on a Eventually, he came to their senses in a foreign land in Wuhan, Wuhan, relying on the country’s first community treatment system, police and people in the community’s help, he finally moved away from drugs, to restore family ties, in his own blog, he recorded his own new lease of life came about. think about the past ten years, a time of desperation, and again incorrigible, I have broken through and care about my family and friends. Parents because I become a staple of jokes other people, friends, because I instructed the accused, I love those who love me and who I hurt too deep for them … because of drugs, I love trampling. 1972 Xiaoning was born (a pseudonym) who is Mianyang, Sichuan Province, in the ground, he has an enviable family background, parents are then Materials Bureau cadres, as the youngest child, he is a parent’s eye. After graduating in early 1987, he did not continue reading, do not want to work out due to the bad influence of friends before and after 1995, Xiao-ning gradually addicted to drugs and unable to extricate themselves. 1996 In November, police arrested Xiao-ning, and its compulsory treatment for three months.However, the drug out of the small-ning, and not out of the drug.

Skechers Shape Ups-Jump Start, Valentine’s Day. Xiao Ning in a cafe when the drug was again arrested. This time, he was sentenced to two years reeducation through labor. 2001 In September, he was early release for good behavior to teach. The subsequent 2004 to 2006, he has three times been forced to quit. from the initial shock to the subsequent deep disappointment, relatives and friends ultimately Xiaoning arm’s length. senses street drug drug use is a dangerous path filled not bright. When I lose nothing, can not clean up all the time, when I was not worthy of sympathy for the tragic defeat, brutally cast aside, I just wake up – this road does not end, even if there is an abyss. When everything is irreversible, I finally paid for my ignorance dedicated a terrible price. I am in this tug of war with drugs, I defeated, but I eventually want to control drug-drug or so. indulge in drugs among Xiao Ning also have had repented. Once in a remote town, he saw with his 1995 arrest with a friend of children. This friend was arrested, because of sinful self-inductance, desperation chose to commit suicide. Xiao Ning received the friend’s child hotel, care for some time. voluntary drug treatment. Following a struggle and suffering, but ultimately failed. second year of the September 27, Xiao-ning again for illegal possession of drugs was arrested, arrested with his girlfriend. Despair Xiao Ning, taking advantage of confusion in the scene, he suddenly took out his pocket knife, skechers shoes, did not hesitate to stabbing his abdomen.

Later, he learned that his girlfriend saw him lift up sword for self-mutilation, actually two suicide in the detention center, were timely rescue came, ladies shape ups kinetix, after two years of reeducation through labor. This experience gave him a very deep touch, he began to seriously reflect on their own life. in Wuhan, a friend of his first restaurant in the work. Soon, a small restaurant facing the transfer of various reasons. Living in a foreign land, living in a foreign land unaccompanied Xiao-ning, when he accidentally heard the story of Wang Qun. Extremely low self-esteem because of past experiences of small-ning, try holding the state of mind, came to Chau Tau Street, Hanyang District, shape up shoes, grows new Community Policing, found Wang Qun. drug addicts are receiving another Xiaoning Wang Qun listening to the introduction, the work at hand processed immediately, and he would talk. In the afternoon, Wang Qun, Xiao-ning on to find work: property security. Wang Qun rush to act in a special branch in the community to find a car, Xiao Ning account the safety of drivers to their destination. In the car, Xiao Ning few words from the driver, feel the community residents and the surrounding people that Wang Qun heartfelt respect. Later, Xiao Ning wrote in a blog: also encounter strangers and I know them for their indifference to them because I hurt too much. trust police officers thought the king, passion, not abandon, do not give up, I moved into my share of new jobs on the power.

Posted by: dieseljeans at 09:08 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 753 words, total size 5 kb.

December 05, 2011

Man repeatedly invited to attend -skechers shape

Day before yesterday, Changsha urban New Taxi capacity hearing be held as scheduled, had a dozen hearings in Changsha, a representative of the scene caused the users concerned, For why this hearing will select Danai Wei, the relevant department heads, there was no response necessary, Meanwhile, the reporter found, ladies shape ups kinetix, familiar faces appeared at the hearing more than one person Danai Wei, Hunan Province, Zhou Zhengliang corporate credit evaluation center, Takahashi Market Development Co., Ltd. Hunan go far Saddam Hussein has appeared in other hearings. Fiji is our reporter Liu Ying Wen, Changsha, reports Correspondents network search, and hearings related to dozens of news were found in the Danai Wei’s name, the identity of the residents were Quantang community representatives, Xiang-hua Group employees, Changsha, a media staff. And their participation in the hearing, involving tariff adjustment, natural gas price adjustment, road traffic safety legislation, taxi price adjustment and other fields.

9 月 5 on the evening, the reporter had telephoned Danai Wei himself, in the identification, the Danai Wei hung up the phone, dial in the past was off again. Yesterday, the reporter tried again to get in touch, but the phone has been unable to connect, shutdown, or no answer. Until 20:20, Danai Wei answered the phone. impact. Another relevant responsible person said, the challenge for users, The official said, was enthusiastic in the cause of public transport is a normal thing, and the same time, the reporter found , familiar faces appeared at the hearing is far more than one person Danai Wei, Hunan Province Zhou Zhengliang corporate credit evaluation center, Takahashi Market Development Co., Ltd. Hunan go far Saddam Hussein has appeared in other hearings. In this new taxi hearing Changsha scene coincided with the Danai Wei Zhou Zhengliang seat next to the reporter before the hearing started, he heard Zhouzheng Liang and Shi Aiwei greeting: ? From 2002 began to participate in the hearing, Skechers Shape Ups-Stability, about once or twice every year, for the City of hearing there are 56 times, 90% of hearings are not open. According to his understanding, and often participate in the hearing of the people But long-term here, is Users are concerned about the been to deny, published in the local media so, Skechers Shape Ups-Jump Start, fill in the designated location in Changsha new hearing on behalf of taxi capacity application form Changsha Municipal Government portal logout City Transportation Bureau of New Taxi Changsha urban capacity hearing notice lists the hearing on behalf of the list.

Posted by: dieseljeans at 06:31 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 427 words, total size 3 kb.

December 02, 2011

Yituo colluded to defraud the-skechers shape ups

Every morning 5:00 to 8 pm, a large selection of rural patients outside the hospital crime a twenty or thirty dollars of Chinese herbal medicine, sold for 1000-5000 yuan a cost of $ 20 to 30 herbs, you can sell how much? The answer is 1000-5000 yuan range. What drugs can be sold for such a high price? High drug prices in the end hidden behind a secret? Yesterday, Shapingba District Public Security Bureau police investigators resolving: After nearly two months of police investigation and multi evidence, has successfully destroyed a large Yituo fraud gang. According to preliminary police check, 28 people involved, since May this year, has accumulated more than 200 patients so deceived, involving over a thousand million. Chongqing Evening News reporter intern Ying Tu Jing take 3000 yuan herbal no effect July 18, Shapingba District Public Security Bureau Traffic Police Zhou Hua, the detachment received a public warning, saying their relatives on June 15 in Shapingba Area with a large hospital clinic see a doctor when he was in the hospital experts Yituo Zuozhen out the grounds, to San Bai Pianzhi Dadukou grass (sound) hospital, a hospital claiming to be a large medical experts opened a value of 3,000 yuan for Chinese herbal medicine, but after taking no effect. After The understanding of these drugs is common detoxification formula.

Zhou Hua received the report, police set up a task force for the detection area. After nearly a month of in-depth investigation, a large health care fraud gang gradually revealed: This is a Jiangmou, Tanmou couple led a large group of medical fraud. After a police investigation, a preliminary master the composition of the gang, the division of tasks and activities of the law and so on. August 13 this year, more than 60 civilian police task force organization, group of 23 people involved arrested. According to testimony, the next few days, the police and have the principal Jiangmou, Tanmou so successfully captured. As of September 1, the total of all 28 fraud gang to justice.

entrance to the hospital every morning to find the target Upon review, the system of criminal gangs, clear, clear division of labor. Account according to gang members, since 2006, their well-designed fraud, Skechers Canary Boots, mutual cover lobbying, fraud nearly 200 cases, involving more than 1000 million.

In fact, their ways of deception is not new. According to reports, the gang committed crimes in the main choice between 5 am and 8 pm, the main targets of crime choose rural migrant workers seeking treatment. chose this time because most of the city’s major hospitals every day, limit the number of experts, patients often get up early discharge of experts. The choice of rural people, because they are usually gullible.

Their deception process generally is this: get up early to the hospital to start looking for the object, selecting the right once, someone to patients as a member, usually the intercept the victim in the city’s major hospitals, and enthusiasm to lead the victim to take the initiative to designated hospitals. Accompanied the victim in the course of medical treatment, only 20-30 yuan for promoting blood circulation drugs to 1000-5000 yuan to sell at prices ranging from patients.

since May of this year, this group Yituo put its attention to the nine temples Dadukou District Hospital of St. Bai grass. Hospital of St. Bai grass was originally a regular hospital, but due to fierce competition, shape up sandals for women, businesses deserted the hospital only a few hundred dollars richer every day. In Yituo repeated requests their approach will be: hospital site, is responsible for collection, Yituo posing as experts prescribe, the two sides in proportion. In order for a victim is not suspicious to see the doctor, the hospital is also the same as the regular hospital, received 5 to 10 yuan registration fee. In order for the victim does not meet the hospital side also and have a plan of action Yituo gang — the hospital has a clinic in Shiqiaopu, to facilitate Yituo, the two sides negotiate a way out: the victims decided to bring Yituo where, just the night before and the hospital telephone communication, you can ensure foolproof. It is, skechers shape ups uk, at present, members of the group has started nearly 200 from the account of fraud, 28 people involved were Jingfangxingju. Police remind deceived any similar experiences, can call Shapingba District Public Security Bureau of Interpol detachment Phone (023) 65311663, contact with the police handling the case.

Posted by: dieseljeans at 06:41 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 759 words, total size 6 kb.

November 30, 2011

â–  Express reporter D-Skechers Shape Ups-Jump Star

cottage rampant proliferation of counterfeit goods, underground factories like beat to death, skechers cut out tone ups, cottage Most of the time, were counterfeit brands can only choose cottage is nothing, but counterfeiters initiative, public apology to the brands is nothing new: Recently, Lung bags factory in Guangzhou, Dongguan, a newspaper published a substantial plant due to the production and sale of counterfeit Samsonite luggage, a small factory in Dongguan Why take the initiative to a large U.S. companies repentance? Is forced or conscience? New Express reporter interviewed insider events. Internationally renowned luggage brand Samsonite has a unique in Ningbo, Zhejiang China subsidiary. According to the legal department staff reporter Zhang counsel to the Express, this year in late July, the Public Security Bureau, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province, according to police reports, the town hall in the city investigated a suspected of producing counterfeit international brand factory bags Lung (the referred to as

at the scene, law enforcement officers found a total of about 1000 labeled Plant operators can not provide for contract manufacturing contracts; and determined by the registered trademark owners, the factory produced Samsonite bags are counterfeit products.

since seized a large number of products actually sold in the market price of hard evidence, law enforcement officials refer to the price of a new beauty companies, and finally approved by the professional bodies to make, draw the value of these counterfeit products 100 million.

the same time, shape up shoes, according to the relevant provisions of the Criminal Code, producing copies of infringing goods valued at 15 million; or sell copies of infringing goods valued at $ 50,000, which constitutes a crime, the public security organs can be involved. The value of the case has made the plant operators Liu Gason suspected of criminal offenses. Liu day, Skechers Shape Ups-Jump Start, he incurs the Public Security Bureau Detention.

Because the case is still at the investigation stage, the Dongguan Municipal Public Security Bureau to disclose relevant information to the outside world yet. Sources said the case may be transferred to the court to the end of the year, the final outcome of the trial depends on the specific facts and circumstances counsel.

Posted by: dieseljeans at 06:32 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 371 words, total size 3 kb.

November 29, 2011

The elderly in the community -skechers shape ups

Nanfang Daily (Reporter / Zhu Jin) the afternoon of September 1, 73-year-old man left the Yuan Hui Yin as rheumatic pain uncomfortable, Yuan Chung went to the town hall community health service stations for infusion therapy. Unexpectedly, the medicine has not losers, Yuan Xu Yin appeared in chest tightness and other symptoms, and ultimately died.

this, the town hall community health service centers, skechers shape ups uk, the official said, Skechers Shape Ups-Jump Start, after the initial diagnosis of the hospital, Yuan Yin Xu cause sudden cardiac death due to coronary heart disease. However, the family that this was a medical malpractice, made high claims. Local police in the investigation.

comfortable, her uncle begins at home alone riding a bicycle, to Yuan Bay community health service stations to see a doctor. , but not the hands of the needle to pull out. said Yuan Xu Xianyu have two children and two women. and other related departments, has been with the deceased in the local village consultations.

after investigation and verification, the town hall community health service centers, the officials said the dead Yuan Xu Yin long-term hypertension,shape up sandals for women, coronary heart disease, but only to the day of the patient to treat rheumatism. At that time, the doctor helped him after diagnosis, opened cephradine both drugs and saline treatment. But in the process of infusion,skechers shape-ups sleek fit ladies shoe, Yuan sudden heart attack, leading to heart pain, sudden death on the spot. Later, the hospital has organized experts rescue, but ultimately died.

town hall community health service center Director Guo said the hospital after the initial diagnosis that the Yuan’s death is sudden cardiac death.

present family of the deceased to the Government for a one-time compensation $ 800,000. However, the local government considers that the need to discuss compensation standards, requested that the family through the judicial process to resolve.

Posted by: dieseljeans at 06:30 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 322 words, total size 3 kb.

November 25, 2011

16 -year-old girl to save the-skechers cut out mule

Yaxin thought so many people know to save their own thing, at her request, Asian Heart Network will be a picture of her face blurred. Asian Heart Network correspondent Li Tiejun photo Asian Heart Network (Reporter Xiao Wei) When you see two big dogs fierce siege of a small boy, how would you do?

12 o’clock, a little boy on his way home from the siege suffered two big dogs, skechers sale, chase bite, here in Urumqi through Twelfth Grade One (6) classes students, 16-year-old Yaxin see this behind the scenes, without hesitation rushed up … because Yaxin the emergence of a small boy escaped the danger, but the Ya Xin was injured. 10 13, dog bites has not healed the Yaxin the hospital, she did not want to delay too much course, choose to return to school. October 14 morning, the reporter saw Yaxin Twelfth Urumqi, this looks very quiet and shy girl there, she thought so many people know this, for her, this matter is nothing worth showing off of. rescued a small boy named Wen Wen (a pseudonym), 10 years old, is Urumqi fifty-seven fifth-grade students. Wen Wen recalled the encounter on his way home after dog bites, Wen Wen’s father is also a lingering fear. At 12:00 on October 5 about Man Man is walking home through a tunnel, I saw two large white dog stand in the middle of the road, texts can and stopped, but this is the only way to go home , Wen Wen although out of the way the dog is very scared, but I thought from the edge of two dogs walked over slowly, they do not mess with them, should be fine.

Who knows, in the Wen Wen’s side just after the dogs when a large white dog suddenly rushed over to Wen Wen, Wen Wen’s right arm in the harsh bite, suddenly, skechers shape ups uk, the text Man’s arm bled. Wen Wen scared standing still afraid to move, cried aloud together. But this time, no one in the pedestrian tunnel, only two dogs entered the roadway, Yaxin discovered more than 20 meters the situation of foreign language text. Time to call people too late, Yaxin a bite, the fastest rushed up. She took a dog kick kick, punch and then hit the other dog’s head, pulled the little boy behind.

Just a flutter kick to kick over the dog, the other dog he rushed over, her and fell to the ground,skechers cut out mule, lying on the ground and the dog had to fight.

Fortunately, this time, the alley and finally have a boy heard this from. . undergo a medical diagnosis, Yaxin left leg big leg and feet, nine inside and outside dog bites, skechers shape ups, nearly 20 sewing needle, a small boy a 9-pin right-arm seam. parents sent thank you letters to sense Xieya Xin, the morning of October 11, Wen Wen’s father and the written letter of thanks sent to the school banner.

Posted by: dieseljeans at 07:57 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 509 words, total size 4 kb.

November 24, 2011

Hand dig more than ten wor-shape up ballerina kick

The picture shows the collapse site . Reporters Yangtao She (Reporter correspondent ground provided for the Long Qing Chi Wan intern Wang Lu ) 6:30 yesterday morning, shape up ballerina kicks, Xu , Wu Jiang Xiadong salt inter-city railway tunnel construction site in Lam Tsuen, Skechers Shape Ups-Jump Start, a sudden the roof collapsed , five workers from the 6 meter-high construction point of falling , were buried hundreds of cubic meters of concrete , about a dozen workers in a timely manner with both hands, scratched from the concrete trapped workers . Currently, injured workers are out of danger. Reporters rushed to the scene yesterday morning , when , see more than 20 workers were cleaning up the site , a length of 30 meters, 10 meters wide and the overall collapse of the roof , the roof under the exposed steel mesh , steel bending all deformation , down into a bow -shaped , the workers are on site steel collapse demolition work . Subsequently, the reporter saw the People’s Hospital in Jiangxia lying injured on the Zoutai Lin , Zou master eyes were cement burns are admitted for observation. According to its introduction, 6 am yesterday, 30 minutes , he and a dozen workers on the roof of the tunnel construction was suddenly heard the mixing of concrete from 6 meters high with the roof falling . There were dozens of cubic meters of concrete mixing , five workers were all falling concrete buried . He heard shouting near the workers rush over, skechers shoes, we will hand him from the concrete and the other four were eleven dig out. Jiangxia Public Security Bureau received the alarm, emergency school patrol unit , Zhifanggou police station and fire brigade rushed to the scene . Fire brigade and police rushed the injured workers Jiangxia People’s Hospital.

5 injured workers were migrant workers from Sichuan Qiushu Cheng , Zou Dalin , Song Shuping , Li River , Zou body out . Currently, scetchers shape ups, authorities are investigating the cause of the accident.

Posted by: dieseljeans at 08:11 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 352 words, total size 3 kb.

November 23, 2011

Court officials said the s-ladies shape ups kineti

Plaintiff: Zheng also, how kind my case?

Secretary: so parked up on the case.

Plaintiff: Why parked, we have to give reasons?

Secretary: I do not solve, skechers sale, no reason.

Plaintiff: There is no reason that I went to Dean.

Secretary: Well, Skechers Shape Ups-Stability, you go to sue, to no avail.

Plaintiff: you again and again to block me, What is it?

Secretary: With your attitude.

Plaintiff: what with our attitude, you are serving?

Secretary: I do not need any service.

Ms. Rui Xu lent 1.5 million yuan and relatives to do business, has not yet. Two years ago, Jinhua Intermediate People’s Court of Final Appeal ruled that Xu pay back the money. However, Ms. Stapleton has not received arrears.

they do not pay back the money, the court must consider enforcement, ladies shape ups kinetix, such as auction of his inherent and real estate.

Ms. Stapleton repeatedly Pujiang County People’s Court found the Secretary Zheng Zhihui, shape up shoes online uk, asked him to text in relation to real estate auction sign. Zheng also did not sign on the grounds that incomplete paperwork.

9 19, Ms. Rui Zheng also went to see the emergence of the above paragraph for up to 7 minutes of dialogue (with excerpts). Friends called

yesterday afternoon, we came to the Pujiang County People’s Court, executive vice president in charge of construction of Pine said that the Executive Secretary Zheng Zhihui work to go out, not able to come back. Court attaches great importance to the implementation of this case, the defendant contracted construction projects and father themselves outstanding payments by others, but the court handling procedures need to go to the auction to go this route when naturally.

dialogue up to 7 minutes for this recording, in the construction of pine did not deny the authenticity of the recording. But he said Zheng also in business process without any problems, there is no intention to obstruct or conceal one’s practice. put more pressure on According to City Express correspondent Lin Weisheng correspondent Jiang Shengzhong

Posted by: dieseljeans at 07:49 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 350 words, total size 4 kb.

November 22, 2011

Grenade hit the woman in the jaw s-shape up skechers

Although the obvious scars left on the cheek, Skechers Shape Ups-Jump Start, but the 32-year-old Kara finally had a narrow escape.Express News 32-year-old Kara Flores in Mexico known as the hit by a grenade cheeks, Credit goes to the unexploded grenades, but stuck in between her upper and lower jaw. In order to avoid hurting the innocent, brave doctor pulled her out of the open surgical field a grenade. Kara to undergo cosmetic surgery to restore although the face, but she survived after all!

According to the British mother, shape up sandals for women, attacked, she living in the street and sell seafood. Mexico drug war in the face of intense, inexplicable attacks occur frequently, Skechers Canary Boots, day, after a loud noise,shape up skecher, Kara suddenly something hit the door and fell to the ground surface syncope, she finally remembered the burning sensation in his face, and she first touch is the primary blood.

thought he was a rock hit Kara sent to hospital for emergency treatment, the hospital only by taking X-rays shocked to find that the object is not a stone hit the karaoke, but is actually an unexploded grenade . It turned out that Kara lying on the ground before the loud sound is heard grenade launcher fire sound! More frightening is that the grenade While Kara’s just a good card in between the upper and lower jaw, not retreat, surgery must be removed.

found Kara ) people die. 4 doctors who voluntarily risk their lives step by step startling the vast majority of doctors are unwilling to risk surgery to Kara, and finally, four brave medical workers to stand up They are doctors, retaining Shian Lei flower in winter and two anesthetists. Sent the military in Mexico under the escort of two explosives expert, this medical This consideration is, if the grenade exploded during surgery, except that they do not bring disaster to more people. Four hours after surgery in order to succeed in this thrilling ending. Kara’s face, leaving huge scars, not many teeth, and the next three years had received cosmetic surgery, but she was lucky to survive.

and the result of attacks in the past, like most Mexican police launched an investigation on the case, but did not arrest any suspects.

Posted by: dieseljeans at 07:39 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 389 words, total size 3 kb.

November 21, 2011

Fund-raising manager for the stranger-skechers sale

Chenyong She, skechers sale appear in the city 15-year-old high school girl guazhou welcome the king, but now lying in Yangzhou City Hospital neurosurgery bed . A month ago, she suddenly suffering cerebral hemorrhage, shape up shoes, coma a month later after she regained consciousness, but has not yet awake. Side had to give up working parents Xinrudaoge. Relieved that they also work in Yangzhou, Lianyungang, .

King Lianyungang Guanyun orientation is a rural people, six years ago, his father and mother, Cao Wang Hongjia should spend New Year with a little sister brother both came to the town of Yangzhou Hanjiang guazhou work, Wanghong Jia and Cao should take no skill, they do unskilled laborer at the site, both a monthly income of 2,000 yuan, a 4 in the Unfortunately, in the afternoon of January 2, Wang orientation to the students home with their homework, come back the sudden collapsed in the road! An acquaintance discovered, immediately notify Wang Hongjia, a small New Year will soon be sent to Yangzhou City Hospital for treatment. Yangzhou City Hospital neurosurgery director Wu Jianhong told reporters, after CT, Wang’s more serious stroke, specific for the thalamic hemorrhage ruptured into the ventricle, large amount of bleeding, bleeding sites deep drainage required surgery. As a serious condition, emergency surgery, skechers shoes, Wang is still in a coma. Coma until earlier this month, one month after the patient opened his eyes, with the perception, but still not fully awake, can not communicate, can not eat, can only rely on tube feeding.

Wu Jianhong said that the girl is spontaneous cerebral hemorrhage, there may be family history, through the understanding of the father’s twin brother also had a stroke early history. daughter, the 41-year-old woman looks older than her actual. have time to help their own cleaning, laundry, never sleep late. The couple was not at home, though only a year older, you take care of her brother’s responsibility: to help him cook, give him clothes, but also to help him homework. with my life, skechers shape uK, but also to save her! Now every day and do most things that touch the child’s hair and cheek, count the number of times. Wang Jinsheng International Home building is a store manager east of Yangzhou, Lianyungang people. A fellow party when I heard the little fellow Pharaoh king of New Year’s experience, which gave him a great touch: non-pro with our non-manager so, we moved very, very.

15:00 more minutes, the cold weather, Jinsheng International Home Yangzhou, east of the store, but it is warm person scene scene: Wang Jian’s launch in the next, hundreds of people lined Wu, donations welcome for the king . Delivery workers, a small hotel near the waiter, and even sweeping the cleaning aunt have given their love. Yucca said. And as long as people donate money to the donation box in the side of Wang Jian must respectfully say

Posted by: dieseljeans at 08:33 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 494 words, total size 4 kb.

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